Netherbury Nature Group

River Brit Sampling

Westcountry Rivers Trust monitors

The Westcountry Rivers Trust has a Citizen Science programme to monitor the state of the rivers in the South West.

As part of that effort Peter Little takes regular readings of the condition of the River Brit at the bottom of Bridge Street, Margaret Morgan-Grenville does the same at Oxbridge and Judith Lake reports on the state of Stoke Water, a tributary of the Brit, at a point just before they join by the site of the old Clenham Mill. They have been kind enough to share their readings with us which are laid out in the tables below.

If you want to know more about the figures click on the ⓘ icon at the top of the column.


Date Flow Width Depth Pollution Evidence Temperature Turbidity Dissolved solids Phosphates River level
    m m   °C NTU PPM PPB m
15/09/2023 Steady 4.7 0.14 None 15.8 <12 244 0  
12/10/2023 Steady 4.7 0.15 None 15.1 <12 305 100  
22/11/2023 Steady 5.2 0.15 None 10.7 <12 267 0  
01/01/2024 Surging 5.2 0.4 None 9.8 23 232 100 0.56
27/01/2024 Steady 5.1 0.3 None 8.1 <12 259 100 0.43
04/03/2024 Surging 5.2 0.35 Some bubbles 6.5 13 256 100 0.5
02/04/2024 Surging 5.2 0.35 Foam 10.9 17 238 100 0.5


Date Flow Width Depth Pollution Evidence Temperature Turbidity Dissolved solids Phosphates Nitrate NO3 Ammonia NH3 pH
    m m   °C NTU PPM PPB PPM PPM  
28/09/2023 Steady 5.5 0.3 None 15.7 <12 242 100 0 - 7.4
27/10/2023 Surging 5.5 1.5 None 11.7 25 251 100 0 - 7.4
28/11/2023 Steady 5.5 1.5 None 10.3 <12 272 100 0 - 7.4
29/12/2023 Surging 5.5 1.5 None 10.6 100 249 0 0 - 7.5
30/01/2024 Steady 5.5 1.5 None 9.8 <12 273 100 0 0 7.5
28/02/2024 Steady 5.5 1.5 None 9.2 <12 268 100 0 0 7.5

Stoke Water

Date Flow Width Depth Pollution Evidence Temperature Turbidity Dissolved solids Phosphates
    m m   °C NTU PPM PPB
14/03/2024 Steady 2.2 0.38 Foam 11.4 <12 242 0