Netherbury Nature Group

River Brit Monitoring

Last 24hrs

The graph shows the state of the River Brit in Netherbury over the previous twenty-four hours. It collates official data from three different sources.

Rainfall is plotted in green, the river level is blue and the background turns red when sewage is being discharged. For more information see below.

Please wait - gathering data.


Wessex Water operate the Sewage Pumping Station and Combined Sewage Outlet (CSO) at the bottom of Crook Hill, just a few metres from the bridge at the bottom of Bridge St. When their pumps can't cope with the volume of rainwater and sewage they are allowed to dump it, untreated, into the River Brit - although this should only ever happen in “exceptional circumstances”.

Combined Sewage Outlet. ID:WSX0505

Current status:??? (since ???)
Latest Discharge: 
Data updated:???
Data source:Wessex Water
Link (opens in new tab):

River level

The Environment Agency has a Flood Monitoring Station a few metres downstream from Bridge Street which simply measures the depth of the river and reports this every 15mins (or more frequently if flooding looks likely).

Flood Monitoring Station ID:3293

Current depth:??? - ??? (???)
Highest recent:??? (???)
Highest on record:??? (???)
Lowest on record:??? (???)
Typical range high:???
Typical range low:???
Data updated:???
Data source:Environment Agency
Link (opens in new tab):

Flood Data here...


There is an automatic rain gauge situated in the Isaac Cider orchard at Coombe Farm, just east of the A3066 and under 1.5km from the bottom of Bridge St. It is pretty much in the middle of the River Brit's catchment area and should be a good indicator of the amount of rainfall in the area. It sends rainfall data to DEFRA every 15 minutes.

Rainfall Station ID:44101

Latest period totals

24hrs:??? (Avg: 3.69mm *)
Data updated:???
Data source:DEFRA.
Link (opens in new tab):
* Average January daily rainfall. Calculated from 456 records classed as "good" quality between 1st Jan '09 and 31st Jan '24 covering a range from 0 to 37mm.

Rainfall Data here...

More info...

Environment Agency Catchment Data Explorer: Brit (Upper) Water Body

“Explore and download information about the water environment in your area”.

West Dorset Wilding’s Brit Valley Project

A “partnership of 53 farmers and landowner with a combined area of over 8,000 acres within the wider Brit”.

Wild Trout Trust Report: River Brit, Slape Manor

Report on an advisory visit by Nick Lawrence of the Wild Trout Trust to 800m of the River Brit in January 2021.

Westcountry Rivers Trust

“We restore and protect the freshwater environments of the Westcountry for the benefit of people, wildlife and local economies.”

Westcountry Rivers Trust - Brit Samples

WRT has a Citizen Science programme to monitor the state of local rivers. As part of that effort local volunteers take regular readings of the condition of the River Brit at the bottom of Bridge Street & Oxbridge and Stoke Water, a tributary of the Brit, at a point just before they join.



An independent site, not associated with any government bodies (e.g. Environment Agency), using the same publicly available data as this page but covering the whole of the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

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If you know of any more websites containing useful information about the River Brit please use the Contact Us option from the menu at the top of the page to let us know.