Netherbury Nature Group

NNG visit to Hardington Moor

On the fine but grey afternoon of Friday 7 June a small but select group from the NNG (Colin, Emma T and me) visited the absolutely lovely chalk hillside National Nature Reserve of Hardingon Moor near Yeovil to look for – primarily orchids. Ane we found them in extraordinary abundance.

With the help of Colin’s tutored eye, occasionally helped by the Nature ID apps Seek and Plantnet, we found seven different orchids on the site; in broad order of abundance to scarcity these were: the pyramid orchid, the purple spotted orchid, the greater butterfly orchid, the bee orchid, the southern marsh orchid, the heath spotted orchid, and twayblade. And there was a small possibility we saw a fragrant orchid too – but the apps were not sure about the ID there!

Seven orchids is a personal record for me in one place. May is the best month for seeing these exquisite flowers (and when this trip was originally planned) so our only small disappointment was that we couldn’t find any green-winged orchids, which were just over. Still worth a visit now though if you hurry. It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon, and the twisty turny steep lanes we took on the "scenic route" back were only moderately scarey.

Jim Smyllie